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Модератор форума: [east_side]_trane, drifter-dron, valych, admin  
pawno урок прес(pres) качание
adminДата: Вторник, 09.08.2011, 22:59:11 | Сообщение # 1

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 3869

Для начало скачаем include и положим вашу в папку с pawno где вы работаете. Если вдруг есть include можете приступать дальше!
Верху прописываем если нету у вас:
#include <progress>
#include <YSI\y_bit>
#define BENCH_PRESS_INDEX                   (1)
stock static Float:
      bench_pos[ ][ ] =
      { 773.0491,1.4285,1000.7209, 269.2024 }, // Los Santos спортзал
      { 766.3170,-47.3574,1000.5859, 179.2983 }, // San Fierro спортзал
      { 764.9001,-60.5580,1000.6563, 1.9500 } // Las Venturas спортзал

stock static Float:
      barbell_pos[ ][ ] =
      { 774.42907715,1.88309872,1000.48834229,0.00000000,270.00000000,87.99966431 }, // Los Santos Тренажерный зал  штанга
      { 765.85528564,-48.86857224,1000.64093018,0.00000000,89.49993896,0.00000000 }, // San Fierro Тренажерный зал  штанга
      { 765.34039307,-59.18271637,1000.63793945,0.00000000,89.49993896,181.25012207 } // Las Venturas Тренажерный зал  штанга

stock static
         Text:bench_power[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
         Text:bench_reps[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
         Text:bench_repslabel[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
      BitArray:player_bench< MAX_PLAYERS >,
      BitArray:player_disallow_rep< MAX_PLAYERS >,
      BitArray:bench_used< sizeof bench_pos >,
      barbell_objects[ sizeof barbell_pos ]

forward attachBarBellToPlayer( clientid, barbell_id );
forward removeBarBellToPlayer( clientid, barbell_id );
forward allowPlayerRep( clientid );
forward updateBenchBar( clientid );

Ищем public OnGameModeInit и туда добавляем:
for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
       barbell_objects[ o ] = CreateObject( 2913, barbell_pos[ o ][ 0 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 1 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 2 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 3 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 4 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 5 ] );
      return true;

Так должен выглядеть примерно public:
public OnGameModeInit( )
      for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
       barbell_objects[ o ] = CreateObject( 2913, barbell_pos[ o ][ 0 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 1 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 2 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 3 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 4 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 5 ] );
      return true;

Ищем public OnGameModeExit() и туда добавляем:
for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
             DestroyObject( barbell_objects[ o ] );
      for( new p; p != GetMaxPlayers( ); ++ p )
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_power[ p ] );
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_reps[ p ] );
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_repslabel[ p ] );
      return true;

Примерно так должен выглядеть public:
public OnGameModeExit( )
         for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
             DestroyObject( barbell_objects[ o ] );
      for( new p; p != GetMaxPlayers( ); ++ p )
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_power[ p ] );
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_reps[ p ] );
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_repslabel[ p ] );
      return true;

И щяс выложу public сами найдете и распределите!
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
         Bit_Set( player_bench, playerid, false );
         Bit_Set( player_disallow_rep, playerid, false );
      ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "null", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
      SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress", _:CreateProgressBar( 550.000000, 166.000000, .color = 0x00F900FF ) );

      bench_power[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(426.000000, 158.000000, "Power:");
      TextDrawBackgroundColor(bench_power[ playerid ], 255);
      TextDrawFont(bench_power[ playerid ], 2);
      TextDrawLetterSize(bench_power[ playerid ], 0.400000, 1.800000);
      TextDrawColor(bench_power[ playerid ], -1);
      TextDrawSetOutline(bench_power[ playerid ], 0);
      TextDrawSetProportional(bench_power[ playerid ], 1);
      TextDrawSetShadow(bench_power[ playerid ], 1);

      bench_reps[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(426.000000, 203.000000, "PRES:");
      TextDrawBackgroundColor(bench_reps[ playerid ], 255);
      TextDrawFont(bench_reps[ playerid ], 2);
      TextDrawLetterSize(bench_reps[ playerid ], 0.509999, 1.800000);
      TextDrawColor(bench_reps[ playerid ], -1);
      TextDrawSetOutline(bench_reps[ playerid ], 0);
      TextDrawSetProportional(bench_reps[ playerid ], 1);
      TextDrawSetShadow(bench_reps[ playerid ], 1);

      bench_repslabel[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(557.000000, 203.000000, "0");
      TextDrawBackgroundColor(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 255);
      TextDrawFont(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 2);
      TextDrawLetterSize(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 0.509999, 1.800000);
      TextDrawColor(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], -1);
      TextDrawSetOutline(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 0);
      TextDrawSetProportional(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 1);
      TextDrawSetShadow(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 1);
      return true;

public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
      if( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == true )
          Bit_Set( bench_used, GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_current_bench" ), false );
          removeBarBellToPlayer( playerid, getClosestBarBellEx( playerid ) );

         DestroyProgressBar( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ) );
      TextDrawDestroy( bench_power[ playerid ] );
      TextDrawDestroy( bench_reps[ playerid ] );
      TextDrawDestroy( bench_repslabel[ playerid ] );
      return true;

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys )
      if ( ( newkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && !( oldkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && ( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == false ) && ( !IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed( playerid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX ) ) )
          for( new o; o != sizeof bench_pos; o ++ )
              if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] ) )
                  if( Bit_Get( bench_used, o ) == true )
                      return CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerStartBenchPress", "ii", playerid, 0 );
                  CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerStartBenchPress", "ii", playerid, 1 );
                  SetPlayerPos( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] );
                  SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 3 ] );
                  ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_geton", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );

         Bit_Set( player_bench, playerid, true );
         Bit_Set( bench_used, o, true );

         SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_current_bench", o );
         SetPlayerCameraPos( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ] - 1.5, bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ] + 1.5, bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] + 0.5 );
         SetPlayerCameraLookAt( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] );

                     TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_power[ playerid ] );
                     TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_reps[ playerid ] );
         TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_repslabel[ playerid ] );

         SetTimerEx( "attachBarBellToPlayer", 3800, 0, "ii", playerid, getClosestBarBell( playerid ) );
         SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_timer", SetTimerEx( "updateBenchBar", 500, 1, "i", playerid ) );
       else if ( ( newkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && !( oldkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && ( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == true ) && ( IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed( playerid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX ) ) )
           CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerExitBenchPress", "ii", playerid, GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps" ) );
           Bit_Set( player_bench, playerid, false );
           ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_getoff", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
           SetTimerEx( "removeBarBellToPlayer", 3000, 0, "ii", playerid, getClosestBarBellEx( playerid ) );
           SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps", 0 );
           Bit_Set( bench_used, GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_current_bench" ), false );
           TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, bench_power[ playerid ] );
            TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, bench_reps[ playerid ] );
       TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, bench_repslabel[ playerid ] );
       KillTimer( GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_timer" ) );
       TextDrawSetString( bench_repslabel[ playerid ], "0" );
       HideProgressBarForPlayer( playerid, Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ) );
       else if ( ( newkeys & KEY_SPRINT ) && !( oldkeys & KEY_SPRINT ) && ( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == true ) && ( IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed( playerid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX ) ) && ( Bit_Get( player_disallow_rep, playerid ) == false ) )
           SetProgressBarValue( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ), GetProgressBarValue( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ) ) + 5 );
       UpdateProgressBar( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ), playerid );
       if( GetProgressBarValue( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ) ) == 100 )
        switch( random( 2 ) )
            case 0: ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_up_A", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
             case 1: ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_up_B", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
        Bit_Set( player_disallow_rep, playerid, true );
        SetProgressBarValue( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ), 0 );

        SetTimerEx( "allowPlayerRep", 2000, 0, "ii", playerid );
        SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps", GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps" ) + 1 );
        CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerBenchPress", "ii", playerid, GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps" ) );
            s_string[ 3 ]
        format( s_string, sizeof s_string, "%i", GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps" ) );
        TextDrawSetString( bench_repslabel[ playerid ], s_string );
        TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_repslabel[ playerid ] );
      return true;

После этого добавляем public в любое место:
public updateBenchBar( clientid )
          Bar:s_bar = Bar:GetPVarInt( clientid, "player_bench_progress" )
      SetProgressBarValue( s_bar, GetProgressBarValue( s_bar ) - 8 );
      UpdateProgressBar( s_bar, clientid );

public allowPlayerRep( clientid )
         Bit_Set( player_disallow_rep, clientid, false );
         ApplyAnimation( clientid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_down", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
        PlayerPlaySound( clientid, 1054, 0, 0, 0 );

public removeBarBellToPlayer( clientid, barbell_id )
      SetCameraBehindPlayer( clientid );
      ClearAnimations( clientid, 1 );
      TogglePlayerControllable( clientid, 1 );
         Bit_Set( player_bench, clientid, false );
         RemovePlayerAttachedObject( clientid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX );
         barbell_objects[ barbell_id ] = CreateObject( 2913, barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 0 ], barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 1 ], barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 2 ], barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 3 ], barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 4 ], barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 5 ] );

public attachBarBellToPlayer( clientid, barbell_id )
      SetPlayerAttachedObject( clientid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX, 2913, 6);
      DestroyObject( barbell_id );
      ShowProgressBarForPlayer( clientid, Bar:GetPVarInt( clientid, "player_bench_progress" ) );

stock getClosestBarBellEx( clientid )
      for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
         if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( clientid, 5.0, barbell_pos[ o ][ 0 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 1 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 2 ] ) )
        return o;
      return false;

stock getClosestBarBell( clientid )
      for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
         if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( clientid, 5.0, barbell_pos[ o ][ 0 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 1 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 2 ] ) )
        return barbell_objects[ o ];
      return false;

Зайти и качаться - enter
Качаться по стандартному gta sa - пробел!
Урок by - 26_RUSSS


Разработка сайта samp-pawno.ru

Сообщение отредактировал [east_side]_trane - Суббота, 10.12.2011, 22:48:24
Для начало скачаем include и положим вашу в папку с pawno где вы работаете. Если вдруг есть include можете приступать дальше!
Верху прописываем если нету у вас:
#include <progress>
#include <YSI\y_bit>
#define BENCH_PRESS_INDEX                   (1)
stock static Float:
      bench_pos[ ][ ] =
      { 773.0491,1.4285,1000.7209, 269.2024 }, // Los Santos спортзал
      { 766.3170,-47.3574,1000.5859, 179.2983 }, // San Fierro спортзал
      { 764.9001,-60.5580,1000.6563, 1.9500 } // Las Venturas спортзал

stock static Float:
      barbell_pos[ ][ ] =
      { 774.42907715,1.88309872,1000.48834229,0.00000000,270.00000000,87.99966431 }, // Los Santos Тренажерный зал  штанга
      { 765.85528564,-48.86857224,1000.64093018,0.00000000,89.49993896,0.00000000 }, // San Fierro Тренажерный зал  штанга
      { 765.34039307,-59.18271637,1000.63793945,0.00000000,89.49993896,181.25012207 } // Las Venturas Тренажерный зал  штанга

stock static
         Text:bench_power[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
         Text:bench_reps[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
         Text:bench_repslabel[ MAX_PLAYERS ],
      BitArray:player_bench< MAX_PLAYERS >,
      BitArray:player_disallow_rep< MAX_PLAYERS >,
      BitArray:bench_used< sizeof bench_pos >,
      barbell_objects[ sizeof barbell_pos ]

forward attachBarBellToPlayer( clientid, barbell_id );
forward removeBarBellToPlayer( clientid, barbell_id );
forward allowPlayerRep( clientid );
forward updateBenchBar( clientid );

Ищем public OnGameModeInit и туда добавляем:
for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
       barbell_objects[ o ] = CreateObject( 2913, barbell_pos[ o ][ 0 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 1 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 2 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 3 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 4 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 5 ] );
      return true;

Так должен выглядеть примерно public:
public OnGameModeInit( )
      for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
       barbell_objects[ o ] = CreateObject( 2913, barbell_pos[ o ][ 0 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 1 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 2 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 3 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 4 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 5 ] );
      return true;

Ищем public OnGameModeExit() и туда добавляем:
for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
             DestroyObject( barbell_objects[ o ] );
      for( new p; p != GetMaxPlayers( ); ++ p )
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_power[ p ] );
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_reps[ p ] );
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_repslabel[ p ] );
      return true;

Примерно так должен выглядеть public:
public OnGameModeExit( )
         for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
             DestroyObject( barbell_objects[ o ] );
      for( new p; p != GetMaxPlayers( ); ++ p )
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_power[ p ] );
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_reps[ p ] );
          TextDrawDestroy( bench_repslabel[ p ] );
      return true;

И щяс выложу public сами найдете и распределите!
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
         Bit_Set( player_bench, playerid, false );
         Bit_Set( player_disallow_rep, playerid, false );
      ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "null", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
      SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress", _:CreateProgressBar( 550.000000, 166.000000, .color = 0x00F900FF ) );

      bench_power[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(426.000000, 158.000000, "Power:");
      TextDrawBackgroundColor(bench_power[ playerid ], 255);
      TextDrawFont(bench_power[ playerid ], 2);
      TextDrawLetterSize(bench_power[ playerid ], 0.400000, 1.800000);
      TextDrawColor(bench_power[ playerid ], -1);
      TextDrawSetOutline(bench_power[ playerid ], 0);
      TextDrawSetProportional(bench_power[ playerid ], 1);
      TextDrawSetShadow(bench_power[ playerid ], 1);

      bench_reps[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(426.000000, 203.000000, "PRES:");
      TextDrawBackgroundColor(bench_reps[ playerid ], 255);
      TextDrawFont(bench_reps[ playerid ], 2);
      TextDrawLetterSize(bench_reps[ playerid ], 0.509999, 1.800000);
      TextDrawColor(bench_reps[ playerid ], -1);
      TextDrawSetOutline(bench_reps[ playerid ], 0);
      TextDrawSetProportional(bench_reps[ playerid ], 1);
      TextDrawSetShadow(bench_reps[ playerid ], 1);

      bench_repslabel[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(557.000000, 203.000000, "0");
      TextDrawBackgroundColor(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 255);
      TextDrawFont(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 2);
      TextDrawLetterSize(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 0.509999, 1.800000);
      TextDrawColor(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], -1);
      TextDrawSetOutline(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 0);
      TextDrawSetProportional(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 1);
      TextDrawSetShadow(bench_repslabel[ playerid ], 1);
      return true;

public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
      if( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == true )
          Bit_Set( bench_used, GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_current_bench" ), false );
          removeBarBellToPlayer( playerid, getClosestBarBellEx( playerid ) );

         DestroyProgressBar( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ) );
      TextDrawDestroy( bench_power[ playerid ] );
      TextDrawDestroy( bench_reps[ playerid ] );
      TextDrawDestroy( bench_repslabel[ playerid ] );
      return true;

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys )
      if ( ( newkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && !( oldkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && ( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == false ) && ( !IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed( playerid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX ) ) )
          for( new o; o != sizeof bench_pos; o ++ )
              if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] ) )
                  if( Bit_Get( bench_used, o ) == true )
                      return CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerStartBenchPress", "ii", playerid, 0 );
                  CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerStartBenchPress", "ii", playerid, 1 );
                  SetPlayerPos( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] );
                  SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 3 ] );
                  ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_geton", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );

         Bit_Set( player_bench, playerid, true );
         Bit_Set( bench_used, o, true );

         SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_current_bench", o );
         SetPlayerCameraPos( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ] - 1.5, bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ] + 1.5, bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] + 0.5 );
         SetPlayerCameraLookAt( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] );

                     TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_power[ playerid ] );
                     TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_reps[ playerid ] );
         TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_repslabel[ playerid ] );

         SetTimerEx( "attachBarBellToPlayer", 3800, 0, "ii", playerid, getClosestBarBell( playerid ) );
         SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_timer", SetTimerEx( "updateBenchBar", 500, 1, "i", playerid ) );
       else if ( ( newkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && !( oldkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && ( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == true ) && ( IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed( playerid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX ) ) )
           CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerExitBenchPress", "ii", playerid, GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps" ) );
           Bit_Set( player_bench, playerid, false );
           ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_getoff", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
           SetTimerEx( "removeBarBellToPlayer", 3000, 0, "ii", playerid, getClosestBarBellEx( playerid ) );
           SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps", 0 );
           Bit_Set( bench_used, GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_current_bench" ), false );
           TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, bench_power[ playerid ] );
            TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, bench_reps[ playerid ] );
       TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, bench_repslabel[ playerid ] );
       KillTimer( GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_timer" ) );
       TextDrawSetString( bench_repslabel[ playerid ], "0" );
       HideProgressBarForPlayer( playerid, Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ) );
       else if ( ( newkeys & KEY_SPRINT ) && !( oldkeys & KEY_SPRINT ) && ( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == true ) && ( IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed( playerid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX ) ) && ( Bit_Get( player_disallow_rep, playerid ) == false ) )
           SetProgressBarValue( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ), GetProgressBarValue( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ) ) + 5 );
       UpdateProgressBar( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ), playerid );
       if( GetProgressBarValue( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ) ) == 100 )
        switch( random( 2 ) )
            case 0: ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_up_A", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
             case 1: ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_up_B", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
        Bit_Set( player_disallow_rep, playerid, true );
        SetProgressBarValue( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ), 0 );

        SetTimerEx( "allowPlayerRep", 2000, 0, "ii", playerid );
        SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps", GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps" ) + 1 );
        CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerBenchPress", "ii", playerid, GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps" ) );
            s_string[ 3 ]
        format( s_string, sizeof s_string, "%i", GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_reps" ) );
        TextDrawSetString( bench_repslabel[ playerid ], s_string );
        TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_repslabel[ playerid ] );
      return true;

После этого добавляем public в любое место:
public updateBenchBar( clientid )
          Bar:s_bar = Bar:GetPVarInt( clientid, "player_bench_progress" )
      SetProgressBarValue( s_bar, GetProgressBarValue( s_bar ) - 8 );
      UpdateProgressBar( s_bar, clientid );

public allowPlayerRep( clientid )
         Bit_Set( player_disallow_rep, clientid, false );
         ApplyAnimation( clientid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_down", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
        PlayerPlaySound( clientid, 1054, 0, 0, 0 );

public removeBarBellToPlayer( clientid, barbell_id )
      SetCameraBehindPlayer( clientid );
      ClearAnimations( clientid, 1 );
      TogglePlayerControllable( clientid, 1 );
         Bit_Set( player_bench, clientid, false );
         RemovePlayerAttachedObject( clientid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX );
         barbell_objects[ barbell_id ] = CreateObject( 2913, barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 0 ], barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 1 ], barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 2 ], barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 3 ], barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 4 ], barbell_pos[ barbell_id ][ 5 ] );

public attachBarBellToPlayer( clientid, barbell_id )
      SetPlayerAttachedObject( clientid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX, 2913, 6);
      DestroyObject( barbell_id );
      ShowProgressBarForPlayer( clientid, Bar:GetPVarInt( clientid, "player_bench_progress" ) );

stock getClosestBarBellEx( clientid )
      for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
         if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( clientid, 5.0, barbell_pos[ o ][ 0 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 1 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 2 ] ) )
        return o;
      return false;

stock getClosestBarBell( clientid )
      for( new o; o != sizeof barbell_pos; ++ o )
         if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( clientid, 5.0, barbell_pos[ o ][ 0 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 1 ], barbell_pos[ o ][ 2 ] ) )
        return barbell_objects[ o ];
      return false;

Зайти и качаться - enter
Качаться по стандартному gta sa - пробел!
Урок by - 26_RUSSS

Автор - admin
Дата добавления - 09.08.2011 в 22:59:11
JinДата: Вторник, 09.08.2011, 23:29:54 | Сообщение # 2

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 98
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(4) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "progress"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664     Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

4: #include <progress>
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(4) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "progress"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664     Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

4: #include <progress>

Автор - Jin
Дата добавления - 09.08.2011 в 23:29:54
adminДата: Среда, 10.08.2011, 00:28:22 | Сообщение # 3

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 3869
Jin, читай сначала внимательно!!


Разработка сайта samp-pawno.ru

СообщениеJin, читай сначала внимательно!!

Автор - admin
Дата добавления - 10.08.2011 в 00:28:22
JinДата: Среда, 10.08.2011, 00:40:54 | Сообщение # 4

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 98
Да ч уже понял щас у мну вообще пишет не отправлять
СообщениеДа ч уже понял щас у мну вообще пишет не отправлять

Автор - Jin
Дата добавления - 10.08.2011 в 00:40:54
adminДата: Среда, 10.08.2011, 22:57:25 | Сообщение # 5

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 3869
Jin, кинь сюда мод!


Разработка сайта samp-pawno.ru

СообщениеJin, кинь сюда мод!

Автор - admin
Дата добавления - 10.08.2011 в 22:57:25
JinДата: Среда, 10.08.2011, 23:27:16 | Сообщение # 6

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 98
Добавлено (10.08.2011, 23:27)
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1060) : warning 219: local variable "player_bench" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1060) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1060) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Bit_Set"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1061) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Bit_Set"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1063) : error 021: symbol already defined: "ApplyAnimation"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1065) : error 021: symbol already defined: "SetPVarInt"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1067) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1076) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1085) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1093) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1118) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1120) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Bit_Set"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1120) : error 017: undefined symbol "playerid"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1121) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1124) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1124) : error 021: symbol already defined: "DestroyProgressBar"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1124) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1124) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664     Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

17 Errors.

1060 Bit_Set( player_bench, playerid, false );
1061 Bit_Set( player_disallow_rep, playerid, false );
1063 ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "null", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
1065 SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress", _:CreateProgressBar( 550.000000, 166.000000, .color = 0x00F900FF ) );
1067 bench_power[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(426.000000, 158.000000, "Power:");
1076 bench_reps[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(426.000000, 203.000000, "Reps:");
1085 bench_repslabel[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(557.000000, 203.000000, "0");
1093 return true;
1118 if( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == true )
1120 Bit_Set( bench_used, GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_current_bench" ), false );
1121 removeBarBellToPlayer( playerid, getClosestBarBellEx( playerid ) );
1124 DestroyProgressBar( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ) );

Сообщение отредактировал Jin - Среда, 10.08.2011, 23:29:37
СообщениеДобавлено (10.08.2011, 23:27)
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1060) : warning 219: local variable "player_bench" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1060) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1060) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Bit_Set"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1061) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Bit_Set"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1063) : error 021: symbol already defined: "ApplyAnimation"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1065) : error 021: symbol already defined: "SetPVarInt"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1067) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1076) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1085) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1093) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1118) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1120) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Bit_Set"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1120) : error 017: undefined symbol "playerid"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1121) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1124) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1124) : error 021: symbol already defined: "DestroyProgressBar"
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1124) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Рабочий стол\Новый pwn мода\Копия мода\Новая папка\lvdm.pwn(1124) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664     Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

17 Errors.

1060 Bit_Set( player_bench, playerid, false );
1061 Bit_Set( player_disallow_rep, playerid, false );
1063 ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "null", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
1065 SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress", _:CreateProgressBar( 550.000000, 166.000000, .color = 0x00F900FF ) );
1067 bench_power[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(426.000000, 158.000000, "Power:");
1076 bench_reps[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(426.000000, 203.000000, "Reps:");
1085 bench_repslabel[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(557.000000, 203.000000, "0");
1093 return true;
1118 if( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == true )
1120 Bit_Set( bench_used, GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_current_bench" ), false );
1121 removeBarBellToPlayer( playerid, getClosestBarBellEx( playerid ) );
1124 DestroyProgressBar( Bar:GetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_progress" ) );

Автор - Jin
Дата добавления - 10.08.2011 в 23:27:16
adminДата: Четверг, 11.08.2011, 09:03:54 | Сообщение # 7

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 3869
Jin, инклуды все вставил?что в архиве?плюс скинь как ты делал!


Разработка сайта samp-pawno.ru

СообщениеJin, инклуды все вставил?что в архиве?плюс скинь как ты делал!

Автор - admin
Дата добавления - 11.08.2011 в 09:03:54
MaXMuTДата: Среда, 17.08.2011, 10:48:32 | Сообщение # 8

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 90
   bench_reps[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(426.000000, 203.000000, "Reps:");

Я непонял немного :D У тебя пресс или репс?

Вернулся на форум.Пишите в личу,если кому надо помочь по скриптенгу( только на форуме,в скайпе не помогаю )
   bench_reps[ playerid ] = TextDrawCreate(426.000000, 203.000000, "Reps:");

Я непонял немного :D У тебя пресс или репс?

Автор - MaXMuT
Дата добавления - 17.08.2011 в 10:48:32
adminДата: Четверг, 18.08.2011, 04:46:07 | Сообщение # 9

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 3869
MaXMuT, ok исправил :)


Разработка сайта samp-pawno.ru

СообщениеMaXMuT, ok исправил :)

Автор - admin
Дата добавления - 18.08.2011 в 04:46:07
[east_side]_traneДата: Четверг, 18.08.2011, 21:52:02 | Сообщение # 10

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 443
Круто воще... оч понравилось

Pawn скриптер
Мои услуги по оптимизации
СообщениеКруто воще... оч понравилось

Автор - [east_side]_trane
Дата добавления - 18.08.2011 в 21:52:02
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